May 20, 2007

church of religious science....

So one of my kids was singing with her friends at a church in Orange this i decided to be supportive and go watch. So i get there with her family only to discover the church is a church of religious science...what is that you say? I HAVE NO IDEA! but it was the most interesting thing i've ever seen. This people are sooooo off. The entire service was centered on you and what you want and how you can create "religion" to fit your life. The name of the opening "congregational song" was i love myself just the way i am. The entire staff was women, not a single dude around...they took bits and pieces from every religion under the sun and formed this church of religious science.

Which makes me think....this is what our students do. (maybe not as extreme) but they want their faith to fit them or to fit their life. They base their relationship with God on the way they FEEL. I guess even I have the tendency to pick apart Christianity and focus on the parts i really like and tend to ignore some of the stuff i don't like. The reverend lady (I don't remember her name) titled her message last week, "Since hell isn't real why am i still in this hand basket" which is funny, I admit...but they had this view of Christians as serving a fire and brimstone God....the lady also had this profound quote that she used in her message...and it was totally the exact same one I had on my starbucks cup this morning...which i found to be awesome. The whole thing was just really interesting to me...i've been thinking a lot lately about how much students base their faith on feelings ...this whole post modern idea...but this experience just put it into concrete for me...and it was coming from adults. I want to go back and talk to the reverend lady...see if i can get a better understanding of where she got her information...we'll see.

aside from that...super fun weekend off. I helped chassey get ready for prom and then spent the weekend playing pingpong with her brother. Nice to have a family away from home. =)


ali said...

is the church of religious science the same as scientology? two of my dad's friends from when he was little are scientologists, and whenever they're over it's interesting to hear what they have to say. it's usually pretty weird.

Allison said...

it's so interesting though because that's really the kind of religion people want...oh, God says this is okay?! Awesome...that's what I was hoping he'd say...