August 27, 2007

Can friendships really last?

My whole life, in the majority of my friendships, it seems like it gets to a point of greatness....and then goes doooown hill. Its not like we get into a huge fight...we just steadily start drifting apart and bickering about little stupid things and eventually it gets to the point where i ask i really need this person in my life? I think i would rather get into a huge fight and solve it and move forward...but instead it seems its slow and gradual. Do people just change? Do relationships just change? Circumstances? Do we just get on each other's nerves eventually? How does a friendship last a life time? Looking back on my 23 years of life...there are only a couple of friends i can't imagine my life without....i want to be that kind of friend and i want those kinds of friends.


annie said...

You are that kind of friend, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. I love you so much!

Allison said...

Personally, I think we are in a constant state of change until we hit 25 (so hopefully I'm almost there?) I think as we change, some friends change to be more like us and some friends change to be less like us...and the latter become acquaintances and the former closer, life-long friends. At 25(ish) we know who we are and that makes friendships (not easier) but lengthier(?) because we know how to react and interact with those we love...and we learn not to care too much about those who don't love us.

Maybe this is my justification for having only a handful of friends, but maybe this is true?