July 29, 2008

class of 2002

So this is my last weekend on HSM staff....
which is just crazy crazy crazy talk.
On top of that...i'm teaching as well.
So it should be pretty interesting combining the two huge events.
i'm talking about what I was like in high school which
required a few photos to be scanned.
(digital cameras weren't invented yet..learn about it!)

Here are a few....

First there's homecoming
(i realize i look like i'm 12)

the forever cheesy/totally posed senior picture

Followed closely by the forever cheesy picture where i CAN'T choose my own outfit
(did you have to wear that ugly black thing or is that just in the south???)

my group of 10 friends that just thought we were so cool.
(i'm second row on the right in case you can't tell...ha)

this is my favorite picture of me playing soccer because i think i look like a total jerk. ha.

i mean really?!?
The sweat band...so cheesy.

now there's a story behind this...but to hear it you'll just have to come to our service this weekend.
All you need to know is NOTHING is touching the ground
BUT my face.

awesome. :)

this is one of my best friends from high school
love him!
and this one is just awesome.
Oh high school....how i miss you.
i haven't decided which of these i'm showing...but should be fun.
Class of 2002....so fun.

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