October 31, 2007

Dear Oregon trail...

I LOVE YOU!!! =)
here's a recap of the rough day we had on the trail....

It started out with Me, Bethany, Katie Shannon, Zack, and Shaun.
Water got scarce and Zack died of thirst....

Things were going well until Bethany almost drowned....

But fear not....Tom Holladay came along to save the day....

She had frostbite from her near death experience....

but we pressed on.
Until all of the sudden....death struck again and Shaun died of thirst.

then out of no where....tradgedy struck again....and Bethany died from reasons unknown.

These were our choices on how to deal with her death...i believe we continued immediately.

this is her sad face over her recent death.

This is katie and I staying strong on the long trip.

To be continued....


Bethany said...

Boo Oregon Trail for killing me off!!!

Allison said...

Bethany told me and Zack that she died of frozen...yep, that's right, frozen.

annie said...

SO. DANG. FUN. I cannot believe I missed this!

E.Money said...

best game EVER!

TheHuntsAreRad said...

who will win.... seriously, I have never made it this far in this game :)