September 24, 2007

Reasons why i love bethany....

#1....her biggest fear is a wiener dog....followed closely in second place by internal combustion.
#2....her loud laughter.
#3....her encouragement of MY loud laughter.
#4....our sweet roommate plans that far exceed the lame JZ manor.
#5....she puts me in awkward situations ON PURPOSE!! =)
#6....she makes me laugh always.
#7....she's going to dance on the table when we live together.
#8....she had an eye brow piercing.
#9....she lived in the 909...which always makes for a good story. with her = instant engagement.

don't worry B...i'll hold your hand when we live together so someone will know you internally combusted.
What do I do with the dust afterwards???? =)

i loooooooove you B!


Allison said...

Put the dust in a jar and put the jar on the mantle.

Bethany said...

Hmm...I've never thought through the clean-up process that will have to take place when I combust. I mean, my clothes will still remain, so it's not like it will be an easy sweep job. Maybe you should just move out of the apartment and leave me there. Just make sure I don't leave behind anything too my O-Town CD collection or my talking Jesus doll.