January 06, 2009

SO excited!!!!

My friend Jason Petty is coming to Savannah to speak at our leader retreat this weekend.
I am SO excited.
I love Savannah but it's so strange to be in a place where no one really knows you.
I cannot wait to see a familiar face :)
I'm excited for our leader retreat too...J is such a good motivator and communicator.
He totally bridges the gap between the audience and speaker.
He'll be great for our leaders!
Should be a great weekend!!!

dear mariah and bethany,
please please please jump in Petty's suitcase.
your friend,


Bethany said...

Haha! I was just about to comment, "I'm gonna jump into Petty's suitcase" and then I scrolled down and saw your letter at the end!

Mariah Snyder said...

haha! I'm sorry friend! wish we could be there too!!!