November 20, 2007

Dear Student Zone....

We took a tour of the student zone today and I seriously cannot wait for the day it opens. Lives are going to be changed by what takes place inside those walls...i can just picture our sweet kids hanging out...building relationships...coming to services....playing basketball....i can just see all of it and I CAN'T WAIT! To give our students a safe place to hang out with people that love's priceless. I'm praying for Griff and ETV this weekend that the congregation would see the value of what will take place inside those walls! 

dear zack...1998 called....they said they had enough extras for saving private ryan...


Unknown said...

You = awesome. How fun was that today? :)


Allison said...

Zack in that hat is hilarious...

The Saving Private Ryan line...equally as funny.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but you and everyone else that thinks that a multimillion dollar investment was/is a good idea needs a reality check. People are what change lives. Not "cool" buildings. Either you don't have very much faith in yourself and the other people that do "ministry" (if you want to call it that) with you, or you really do think that spending millions of dollars on a fun cool awesome building that will change lives is a good idea. Anyway, focus on building relationships with the students, not by trying to sell God to them with some sweet plasma screen TVs, a state of the art facility and "starbucks on steroids". Stop turning God, ministry and church into a show.


Someone just looking out for the lives you end up not changing at all!

Allison Murray said...

I totally agree that people are what changes lives! I know when i was in high school it took a caring adult taking an interest in my life to change who i was! I'm so excited for the capacity this new building or any new building will have to foster great relationships!

Bethany said...

Totally agreed! I love all of the possibilities that we will have to use this building as a tool to change the lives of teenagers. Kurt is always encouraging us to dream big of the great things that God is going to do in the lives of our junior high and high school students. I can't wait to use this building as another source to continue to "do life" with our kids!!!