November 25, 2007

Hands down...

hardest week i've had since starting in youth ministry. 
Delivering bad news to a student's parents is THE WORST thing ever. 
Nothing like being hated by a student you totally love to remind you why you do what you do! 

on a happier note...bowling with the small group was a blast today. 

And also...bethany and i did this on the way home while i was driving....ha this is AGAIN why we are friends. 

this will be our christmas card when we are roommates for sure.....
what would i do without great friends?!?

November 20, 2007

Dear Student Zone....

We took a tour of the student zone today and I seriously cannot wait for the day it opens. Lives are going to be changed by what takes place inside those walls...i can just picture our sweet kids hanging out...building relationships...coming to services....playing basketball....i can just see all of it and I CAN'T WAIT! To give our students a safe place to hang out with people that love's priceless. I'm praying for Griff and ETV this weekend that the congregation would see the value of what will take place inside those walls! 

dear zack...1998 called....they said they had enough extras for saving private ryan...

November 16, 2007

Happy Cleaning Day!!

Today was cleaning day around the office....Katie and I volunteered to clean the DISGUSTING fridge out.

there was this nasty bag of chicken found by katie...
this amazingly old sandwhich
celery (on the left) that was barely recognizeable
this moldy piece of cheese.....
this ketchup to be scraped off.....

all in was a good cleaning day. =)

November 08, 2007

Life Time Movie.... life is kinda like a lifetime movie right's the run down of my trip to Florida/Georgia/Louisiana/Mississippi/South Carolina. 

I flew to Jacksonville, Florida on thursday morning....drove to my parents in Georgia where once again I GOT A NEW CAR!! Then on Monday I flew to New Orleans, Louisiana where my sister picked me up and we drove to her house in Mississippi. On Wednesday I drove from Mississippi back to my parents in Georgia with my 2 nephews. Then this morning we got up and drove to Charleston, South Carolina to meet the second half of my family that we never knew about...only to fly back to California in the morning and leave for Chi Alpha on saturday. woooo i'm gonna die. ha. 

So why is my life a lifetime movie....well apparently my grandpa got his girl friend pregnant in high school and they gave the little boy (eddie) up for adoption without telling anyone. When Eddie's adopted parents died he found out he was adopted and started tracing back his family and he found us. SO we all met up here in S.C. for a little family reunion deal. IT'S BEEN SO FUN!! So now i have an Aunt and Uncle and 3 cousins that i never knew about...and they are so so so so sooooo nice. And we also found out there's most likely another sibling they are trying to track down...the plot thickens...Oprah here we come. =) 


I can't wait to come home tomorrow. =) 

November 04, 2007

Things about Georgia that are funny....

you can buy this at a gas station....(which i did of course)
and this sign is necessary in a bathroom.....

November 03, 2007

so i got a new car....

i'm gonna sell my car and drive this one back at christmas!!!
Road trip anyone???